
    教育目標(Aim of Education)

    博士班:作為國內唯一的博士班,旨在為具有良好的社會科學與人文學科訓練的同學,繼續深化歐洲的相關課題,以期塑造同學程為此領域的專業與學術人才。In order to culttivate M.A.-level students in social sciences and humanities, Graduate institute of European Studies established the doctoral program, among all the doctoral programs in Taiwan; it is currently the only doctoral programs.

    碩士班:歐洲聯盟(國家)以及俄羅斯是國際關係中重要的行為者,本班作為一個區域研究的單位,配合學校國際化的理念,以跨領域方式從事歐盟 (國家)與俄羅斯的國際關係、政經暨文化探究,以期開拓國際視野,培育相關事務的實務人才。This M.A. program focuses on cross-field research, among European Union (European nations) and Russia. It is our commitment to cultivate students whom has the ability to explore not only in the research of politics and economics but also explore the culture diversities, along with global visions.

    基本核心能力(Core Competences)

    博士班:獨立做研究的能力 The ability to do research independently

                   大學層次的教學能力 Teaching capability in university level

                   獨立思辨的能力 Cultivating students with independent thinking

                   自我學習的能力 Self-learning capability

    碩士班:擴增歐洲、俄羅斯的國際視野 Broadening European and Russian knowledge and vision

                   培養自我表達語寫作的能力 Cultivating students with self-expression and the ability to write academic reports

                   通曉歐盟、俄羅斯的制度與運作 Understanding the institutions and function of European Union and Russia

                   具有跨領域學科的知識 Possessing the knowledge of interdisciplinary field

                   養成未來職涯的潛力與方向 Developing future career potential and direction

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